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Camper Information

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You can submit, update and/or view any camper information for yourself or view all camper information below (once you have submitted your own). This information is very important and is used to help us plan the camp for the coming year. The aspects that it allows us to plan include: amenities, costs, space requirements and specific camping placement. Thank you for taking the time to enter your information to make this process go smoothly!!!
Yes   No

Yes   No

Yes   No

Requests for early entry were made back in April. Notifications have been sent out if you are receiving an early entry pass.
Strike starts on Monday, Sept 7th. You will be staying until the completion of strike and the camp truck rolls out, packed on Tuesday, Sept 8th (unless otherwise already communicate). If you have said yes, please do everything in your power to have that not change. Without your help and a critical mass of people staying, those of us remaining suffer and we don’t want that for anyone. We will arrange the appropriate strike items to happen on Sunday and Monday by the other camp members not on this team, to make our job as easy (relative) as possible.
Communal Dinner information here. If you want to have a communal dinner this is the description of that that you would read. Communal Dinner information here. If you want to have a communal dinner this is the description of that that you would read.
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Flourish image